Server settings

In the Preferences section, you can make various settings for the Aeneis server.



Store login data allowed

If this option is enabled, then the credentials of users who log in to Aeneis will be saved and suggested again the next time they log in.


Set the model language that Aeneis uses by default as the display language here.

Note: Before the language stored here is used, Aeneis checks whether a different primary browser language or preferred language has to be used. You can find detailed information on this under Multilingualism.

Note: Alternatively, the default display language can be defined via a start parameter. See Define default display language via a start parameter.

Model languages

Enter all the languages in which Aeneis can be displayed here. Enter the languages with their abbreviations and separate them with semicolons.

Example: de;en;es

Tip: Define the languages in the order in which content should be displayed first if it is not available in the current display language. You can find detailed information on this under Multilingualism.


Select restrictions for AEN exports and raw data exports in Aeneis:

  • All visible objects: Users can export all visible objects.

  • Only administrators : Only administrators can export objects.

  • Do not allow: Exports cannot be performed in Aeneis.

Note: The restrictions are only active when accessing the Aeneis server remotely. For local servers the restrictions are not set.

Use IP

If this option is enabled, then the IP address is used instead of the PC name in the address line.

Max used query clauses

Define here the maximum number of query clauses for the search in Aeneis. The higher the number, the more accurate the matching during the search and the higher the memory consumption. Minimum value is 400.

Use fully qualified domain names

If this option is enabled, then the full name of the server for the domain is used instead of the IP address.

Ignore case on login

If this option is enabled, then logging into Aeneis is case-insensitive.

Session timeout

Define here after how many minutes a logged in user will be logged out from Aeneis if he/she is inactive. The value must always be defined with the suffix m for minutes (example: 30m).

Cookie max-age

Define the maximum age of the session cookie here. The session cookie is created when the Portal is accessed and stores the user's login. If a user closes the browser, no new login is required when reopening Aeneis, provided the session cookie is still active. When the maximum age of the cookie is reached, it expires and a new cookie is created the next time the Portal is accessed. The value can be defined with a suffix for the time unit. If no suffix is set, then the time is calculated in seconds.

To prevent the session cookie from still being active after closing the browser, enter the value -1. Thus, the cookie loses its validity as soon as the browser window is closed.


Enable xml external entity (XXE) protection

If this option is enabled, then when importing XML files, the system checks whether external resources are requested in the XML. If this is the case, then the import will be aborted for security reasons.

Allow as external iframe embedding If you activate this option, you can embed the Portal externally as an iFrame.


Use performance monitoring

If this option is enabled, the performance is measured and will be displayed in the Information section.

Enable performance metrics

When this option is enabled, logging data is written to the metrics.log log file in the Aeneis application directory.

Note: The logged data in the metrics.log file are separated with semicolons. This allows them to be imported as CSV into an Excel file.

Performance metrics threshold (ms) Here you can define a threshold for the performance metrics in milliseconds. Only query executions that exceed this threshold are written to the metrics.log file.
Enable automatic heap dump

If this option is enabled, and in addition the Enable system health monitoring option is also enabled, a heap dump is automatically performed, informing in a file about the system's memory allocations when the system is about to collapse. The file with the extension .hprof is stored in the Aeneis application directory.


  • The free memory must be less than 10% of the total memory.

  • At least 30 GB of hard disk space is available.

See also: To learn how to manually perform a heap dump, see System information.

Enable system health monitoring

If this option is enabled, then the following jobs will be executed:

  • Lock states are resolved, which can occur when data is transferred from the log file to the data file via a checkpoint under HSQL.

    Tip: Enable this option if you are using an HSQL database.

  • Additionally, if the Enable system health monitoring option is enabled, a heap dump is automatically executed, informing in a file about the system's memory allocations when the system is about to collapse. The file with the extension .hprof is stored in the Aeneis application directory.


    • The free memory must be less than 10% of the total memory.

    • At least 30 GB of hard disk space is available.

    See also: To learn how to manually perform a heap dump, see System information.

Use SQL tracing If this option is enabled, then the Performance tab appears in the ServerAdministration under Databases, in which the SQL statements are issued.
SQL tracing threshold (ms) Here you can define a threshold for the SQL statements in milliseconds. Only SQL statements that exceed this threshold are written to the log file.
Automatic defragmentation of table indexes If this option is enabled, the table indexes of PostgreSQL and MS-SQL databases will be defragmented automatically.
Table indexes defragmentation threshold (%) Here you can specify the threshold for defragmentation in percent. If the fragmentation of the table indexes exceeds this value, the system defragments the tables again.
Table indexes defragmentation daily time trigger (min) Here you can specify when the defragmentation of the table indexes should run. Specify the value with the minute after midnight at which the defragmentation should take place, e.g. 120 for 120 minutes after midnight, i.e. 2:00 am.
Notifications monitor threshold

You can use a threshold value in milliseconds to determine how quickly notifications are identified and transmitted by the system. If the threshold value is exceeded, a message is written to the log file.

Note: If the threshold value is 0, no messages are written to the log file.

Use login monitoring If the option is activated, information about all system logins that have taken place is written to the log file.